· atlassian · 1 min read
Time to celebrate!

Today exactly one year ago we officially released the Jira Cloud edition of**
R4J - Requirements Management for Jira**
We are very proud having made a lot of progress during this year with this features:
- Search and filter capabilities including JQL support on the tree view
- Apply a tree structure search to your Jira filters
- Reuse parts of your structure for new products or versions
- Powerful Reading and editing View to scroll through your requirements like a document
- Revision history of changes applied to an issue, including drill-in and comparison
- The Coverage View offers a multi-dimensional view to your link relations
- Selection of fields to be displayed in the Reading and Coverage View
- Export your content to Word and Excel
- A REST API to modify the tree structure from any external application
- Migration support for your data from a Jira Server or Data Center instance
- … and we received the Atlassian Cloud Fortify Badge.
Much more is in the pipe
Baseline the tree structure
Identify your link relations by a trace matrix
Configurable Reuse feature
Integration of Confluence pages
… and more in is in the planning
👉 Just join our Demo for R4J for Jira CLOUD and convince yourself!